Tuesday 7 October 2008


My given name is Elayne. Elaine. But at age 19, I saw the spelling of Elaine with an Y instead of the I, and liked it so much that I changed it. Of course my mum wasn't thrilled-at first. Now she loves it.
I am the eldest of two girls. My father, not thrilled with the idea of being a dad left and never looked back. I don't care what anyone says; little girls need their daddies. But G-d will deal with him.
My mum was and is amazing. She raised up as a single after she and our step-father ended their relationship. It wasn't a happy marriage and lots of pain. I caught alot of that.
But it was in many ways a good childhood. I was an A-B student, love art, reading and history. I was the quiet one, pretty much kept to myself. Like Mark.
Because of my own insecures, I did get involved in things and with people I should not have. Though I did become a believer in Messiah as a child, I really wasn't raise in the ways of Torah, though what I did know, I loved His Word. I had a beautiful son, a brief marriage at was abused. And once I got of it, it took years to rebuild our lives.
I always loved nursing, but because of my eyesight (very bad I wear coke bottle buttoms) I feared harming those I cared for. So I became an LPN.
I went into home health care and entered the field of hospices. Hospices Care is the wonderful art of giving nursing care to the dying. All of my patients had less than six months to live. A while a patient never died on my watch, each one of these dear souls taught me the wonderful lession of living life to the fulliness, that life is a gift from G-d and how you live your life is your gift back to Him. Not to take anyone and anything for granted. And, as an captain's wife, this lession has been reinforced. We with mates far away from our side learn to make every phone call, e-mail, letter, etc count.
In 1999, as I shared before, during the filming of a Play about the Lfe of Messiah I was in, someone dropped a grape onto the stage and I slipped, reaking my left ankle. This was a growing time for me, learning to depend on others. Then the autumn of that year, my mum had a major stroke. That weekend we were not sure if she would live or die, but G-d brought her through. I brought her home with me and we had an awesome time. I truly enjoyed using the skills I had horned for years in the caring of my mum.
Several months later, she proved the doctors wrong. She wanted me to find her an assistance care home, get rid of the wheelchair and wanted me to have my home and my life back. It was the only disagreement we had. My mother while she loved me and thankful for the loving care, she didn't wish me to give up my life for her.
So, with mummie flying away from home, I went back caring for children at a DayCare. The nursing agency I worked for wanted me to place my mum in a nursing home and would not work with me in rearranging my workload so that I could for my mum and still work. My choice; my mum or my job. There was no question; I told my boss she would recieve my letter stating I was resigning in a few days. She called after recieving the letter; she didn't think I would really chose my mum over my job.
G-d truly blessed me to be able to stay home and care for my mum during this time.
And then, came the time when the Daycare changed hands, and I was looking for another job when my achelle's tendon was at the point of snapping.

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